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China:Wider application of alcohol gasoline
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenStar  Pubtime:2015-03-11 09:18:40  Click:706
"Development of fuel ethanol, promote the use of ethanol gasoline for our digestion can neither eat nor as aged grain livestock and poultry feed, found a correct way. "The CPPCC National Committee, Member of Chinese Academy of engineering academician Cao Xianghong in the proposal submitted to CPPCC proposals, under the Government's encouragement, accelerate the development of fuel alcohol, wider application of ethanol-gasoline blends.

According to relevant information, at present China's contaminated by cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic and other more than 50 million acres of land, at the same time control the sources of pollution to continue to plant crops is polluted soil remediation effective measures, but the land to grow out of such as cadmium rice "problem of food" is not on the table, nor do animal feed. In addition, although China's grain storage technology significantly advances, but given the grain harvest season weather deterioration and storage "problems of food" has a surprising amount.

Cao Xianghong said, up to now, ethanol gasoline is to digest the "problem of food," the only way to not only serve the interests of farmers to conserve soil pollution area, help to reduce the burden of grain storage enterprises, reduce national reserves loss of subsidies, but also to reduce dependence on imported oil, more conducive to China's food security.

At present, the world agricultural and forestry waste as raw materials, cellulosic ethanol technology development continues to make progress, there have been a number of completed and put into operation and the ongoing construction of industrial installations. According to Cao Xianghong introduced, results of the development and industrial demonstration cellulosic ethanol technology in China is also exciting, has two factories to achieve a continuous production.

Meanwhile, said Cao Xianghong, process the cellulosic ethanol industry has discovered several issues requiring improved equipment and technology, technology to further improve the more major problem is the high cost of cellulosic ethanol, budget needs to be improved.

"We have announced to the world by 2030 carbon dioxide emissions peaked, cellulosic ethanol life cycle analysis of results showed that fuel ethanol development, promoting the use of ethanol gasoline has the effect of significantly reducing carbon dioxide emissions. ”

For, Cao Xianghong recommends, first, by national development reform Board led organization developed China can regeneration car with fuel standard, requirements in national range promotion using E10 ethanol gasoline, according to cellulose ethanol industry of development, timely proposed in national range application E15 or E20 ethanol gasoline; second, as soon as possible arrangements Sentinel construction a digest "problem food" of fuel ethanol project, expanded China fuel ethanol of production; third, low oil Xia, "problem food" Production of fuel ethanol application Yu car with fuel certainly exists Enterprise losses, and production operating to maintained of situation, to continues to retained on Digest "problem food" fuel ethanol enterprise of and crude price linkage of subsidies, appropriate improve subsidies level; IV, established technology special, provides funds support, organization E10, and E15, and E20 on car power performance, and exhaust emissions, and engine for oil system material effects of research, support cellulose ethanol industrial production technology of development; v, in " Special Fund for renewable energy development "clearly on cellulosic ethanol projects funded and subsidized loans.
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