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Pig Slurry Heater----Application of Waste Water Heat Exchanger
Author:sehenstar  Source:本站  Pubtime:2018-01-25 11:43:08  Click:631

Customer Request

1. Working Condition: Immersion heat exchangerIt should be noted that the equipment is used to heat, ie raise the temperature of the slurry. The heating medium is water that comes from a boiler.

    - 1 Waste water inlet and out let pressure

      Slurry inlet pressure: 4Bar

      Slurry outlet pressure: 3-3.5Bar


    - 2 Waste water inlet and outlet temperature

      Incoming temp: 20 ° C

      Exit Temp: 35/40 ° C


    - 3 Waste water inlet and outlet flow

       The wastewater flow rate is 15m3 / h


    - 4 Hot water inlet and outlet pressure

      Input pressure: 5bar

      Output pressure: 4-4,5Bar


    - 5 Hot water inlet and outlet temperature

      Input temperature: 80°C

      Output temperature: 60-70°C


    - 6 Hot water inlet and outlet flow

      Inlet flow: 7.5m3 / h

      Output flow: 6.75m3 / h


    - 7 Types of waste water

      The waste water is pig manure, they are products of the digestion of these animals and are evacuated as effluents to a containment lagoon.


      7.1 Suspended solids

      The current value is 5200 ppm, but a projection on farm growth is estimated that can reach 6652.4 ppm


      7.2 PH

      For optimum operation a pH is required between 6.8-7.4


    - 8 Additional Information

      We are interested in the equipment in question to use it as a pig slurry heater, as we need to raise the temperature from 20 to 30 / 40oC, the wastewater (slurry) is 15m3 / h. This will then be sent to a digester to produce biogas, with which we will feed a boiler and from there we will send to the sheds of the farm to supply the daily consumption

2. Material: Ss304

Sehenstar Proposal

1. Type of Heat Exchanger: Waste water heat exchanger

2. Drawing:

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