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Boiler flue gas heat recovery technology
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenStar  Pubtime:2014-12-05 10:16:24  Click:2908
Qingdao thermoelectric energy company as a large state-owned heating companies, earnestly fulfill their social responsibilities, adhere to green development path, and actively explore the use of clean energy. In 2014 the company invested 617 million yuan for the six boiler flue gas heat recovery transformation, to achieve ecological, social and economic benefits of the three-win.

The technology by increasing the relative change in the rear flue heat, relying on the heat exchanger wall temperature automatic control and regulation technology, the exhaust gas temperature by the transformation of the former reduced to about 150 ℃ above 120 ℃, the use of flue gas temperature difference between 30 ℃ - 40 ℃ to heat the boiler return water or demineralized water, both to avoid the corrosive flue gas condensation, and heat losses can be reduced boiler, boiler efficiency increased by more than 2%.

The measure, after six boiler project implementation, annual savings of approximately 4800 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 3,200 tons of sulfur dioxide emissions by about 80 tons of nitrogen oxide emissions by about 75 tons, to achieve "energy" and "reduction "the 'two-kiloton targets" double harvest, Qingdao environmental protection and improvement of people make a positive contribution.
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