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Autism May Be Caused by Environment
Author:sehenstar  Source:本站  Pubtime:2014-11-20 21:01:05  Click:721
According to the daily mail reported, found that environmental pollution may cause autism. Researcherssay, people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) children may be born in mothers during pregnancy and thefirst two years exposed to high concentrations of toxic air pollutants.

Head of the research project, University of Pittsburgh Center for public health (Pitt Public Health)Evelyn · Talbot (Evelyn Talbott), autism spectrum disorders is an important public health problem, andthe incidence is increasing rapidly, but little is known about its cause. Autism research is usuallyconsidered to be personal or behavioural factors, only a very small number of environmental impact studiesbe included.

"Our research is complementary to growing children suffering from autism research, and this study suggests that toxic air pollutants is one of the risk factors for autism spectrum disorders. "Evelyn · Talbotsaid. She and colleagues conducted a study in family units, and studied United States 6 counties insouthwestern Pennsylvania with autism and autism-free families. They found that each one in 68 childrenwith autism patients associated with chromium pollution and styrene.

The past 20 years, had reported cases of autism has increased 8 times. Autism spectrum disorder ischaracterized by early childhood exhibit social communication and language communication barrier. Althoughprevious studies have shown that increase in cases of autism and diagnosis method for change as well asincreased public attention to autism and other factors, but it cannot fully explain the upward trend.Therefore, genetic and environmental factors are thought to increase in autism cases bear someresponsibility.

Talbott said, the study results show that environmental exposures can make growing children suffering fromautism, such as air pollution.

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