Industry News———More Energy Conserved, More The Planet Life Is Reserved.
Steel refining techniques help companies to reduce emissions
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenStar  Pubtime:2014-11-28 13:41:13  Click:699
Sponsored by the China Foundry Association and the China Energy Conservation Association 2014 steel (iron) and liquid refined energy conservation seminar held in Beijing on November 25. Conference by exploring to improve production technology, technological innovation and science and technology promotion and other effective measures to help companies further increase yield, save energy in the production process, increase productivity, enhance the economic efficiency of enterprises, to achieve "energy saving, emission reduction and pollution prevention and efficiency," four key objectives set out on a "high efficiency, low consumption and low emissions," new road of industrialization.

During the meeting, Vader casting materials of limited research and development of Zhengzhou steel (iron)-hydraulic refiner, due to its outstanding energy saving performance by the participants concerned. According to introduced, dimension up refining additives and traditional accessories of fundamental difference is, can directly participation steel metallurgical of materialized reaction process, for ease and help current steel industry more downturn of market needs, and high of cost pressure and needed improve energy environmental emissions standard of status, improve steel smelting and casting enterprise of products quality, and achieved energy benefits and green low carbon development, has is important of meaning.
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