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The NDRC invested 5 billion yuan to support the implementation of air pollution control engineering
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenStar  Pubtime:2014-12-01 13:56:07  Click:1167
The national development and Reform Commission recently held a press conference, issued by the State Council on innovation and focusing on investment and financing mechanism in the field guidance to encourage social investment (hereinafter referred to as the opinion), as well as accelerate ecological environmental protection and construction of major engineering problems relevant to the situation. According to reports, the NDRC invested 5 billion yuan in the central budget this year to support the implementation of air pollution prevention and control projects.

According to reports, the views: a total of 11 sections, 39, including further innovative eco-friendly investment operation mechanisms, encourages the strengthening of social capital investment in energy infrastructure, and so on. Head of the national development and Reform Commission said, views the introduction of further break industrial monopolies and market barriers, the establishment of fair, open and transparent market rules, creating rules of equality of rights, equality of opportunity, equitable investment environment, stimulates market dynamism and potential, stable investment, strengthen the weak links is of great significance.

Director of the NDRC's Department of resource conservation and environmental protection revealed he bingguang, the NDRC invested 5 billion yuan in the central budget this year to support the implementation of air pollution prevention and control projects. And around 2.5 billion yuan to support the Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, Urumqi and other key areas of air pollution control. In addition to this 5 billion yuan, NDRC plans to invest 11.3 billion yuan in the central budget to support construction of urban sewage disposal facilities, and so on. He bingguang concedes that these key projects, including a key consideration is how to attract and foster social capital into the construction of environmental protection facilities.

NDRC projects develop key industries that include air pollution control and clean production technology engineering, coal-fired boilers, such as energy saving and environmental protection promotion project. Through the implementation of key projects are expected to form energy-saving capacity of 60 million tons of standard coal by 2015.
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