Industry News———More Energy Conserved, More The Planet Life Is Reserved.
China's Steel Industry Energy Saving Market
Author:SHS  Source:Qianzhan Business Information  Pubtime:2014-08-11 16:08:45  Click:977

In recent years, China's steel industry has made great achievements energy conservation, energy consumption per ton, the process energy consumption declined year by year.

In 2012, "China Steel Trade Industry Development Prospects and Investment Strategy Report, 2013-2017" shows iron and steel enterprises focus on the total energy consumption of 266 million t of coal, accounting for the total energy consumption of 3.62 billion tons of standard coal t 7.3%, energy consumption per ton of 602.71kgce, down 0.16%. 2013 January-November, key steel enterprises to reduce energy consumption per ton over the previous year of 10.19 kg of standard coal / ton decrease of 1.69% over the previous year; 9.17 kwh per ton reduction in power consumption over the previous year / tons, a decrease of 1.92% over the previous year.

The steel industry is a high-energy, high-polluting industries, is also one of the largest potential for energy saving industry. With the rapid growth of China's economy, resources and energy consumption constraints obviously appeared increasingly prominent contradiction between energy supply and demand, high pollution, high energy consumption characteristics also make the steel industry to withstand a certain amount of pressure reduction in pollution prevention, energy saving and so on.

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