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Application of clean energy technology makes the Antarctic scientific research more "clean"
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenStar  Pubtime:2015-03-16 10:14:07  Click:764
Near the Zhongshan station, a row of wind turning white "Windmill" is particularly striking. As part of a renewable energy project in Zhongshan station, Antarctica, this group of wind turbines after 2 years after commissioning, in formal continuous power during this Antarctic expedition.

"Antarctic Zhongshan station renewable research and demonstration of key technologies of micro-grid system" is the 29th Antarctic expedition during the (end of 2012 early 2013) initiated a research project aimed at the Zhongshan station, test and promote clean energy generation technology, reducing energy impact on the Antarctic environment.

Project Manager, senior engineer of the China Polar Research Center said Cheng Yanfeng, Antarctic research station, China previously relied on diesel fuel as an energy source, a case study of Zhongshan station and diesel consumption at around 200 tonnes per year.

"Antarctica is the ideal experimental plots for research on clean-energy technology," said Cheng Yanfeng, Antarctica is the place where very high wind speed on Earth, average winds for nearly 200 days at Zhongshan station. In addition, the Antarctic also rich solar energy resources, apart from 3 months of polar night in winter, and there is sunshine. More favourable is the Antarctic summer day when wind speeds are smaller, sunlight is strong, and the polar night in winter winds were very strong, and both complement each other, ensuring a stable power source.

It is reported that after years of efforts, clean-energy application at Zhongshan station is taking shape. In terms of wind power, consists of 7 Zhongshan station, wind turbine wind turbines rated at 3-kilowatt, and windy day in the day about power 180 degrees. In solar energy, has built 80 square meters of solar panels at Zhongshan station, could power a day on average 80 degrees. At present, the Zhongshan station clean energy generation is about one-tenth per cent of its total generating capacity a year saves 20 tons of diesel oil.

Cheng Yanfeng said that the Antarctic environment is extremely vulnerable, trying to reduce the effect of research activities on the Antarctic environment, the obligation of the both and polar expedition activities consistent philosophy. He said that Zhongshan station will explore the application of biogas technology in the future, hope to use about 8 years of conventional energy conservation target of 50%.
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