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World Bank help Hebei rural biogas utilization
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenStar  Pubtime:2015-03-17 08:38:45  Click:604
World Bank sources said on March 16 from Beijing, Hebei province, the Bank's Executive Board approved on March 13 rural renewable energy development project loan of us $ 71.5 million, 96100, Hebei province, rural residents with easy to clean biogas for cooking.

Rural renewable energy development the implementation of demonstration projects in Hebei province, for a period from 2015 to 2020, will invest in the construction and operation of six biogas facilities, crop residues and animal manure into methane gas, provide stability for local rural residents of clean energy.

China's rapid agricultural development to improve rural residents ' income and improve national food supply, but also on the environment and pose a threat to public health. Significant amount of crop straw and manure in agricultural production, and rural residents cook with coal as the main fuel for heating, worsening air and water pollution.

Hebei province is one of China's major agricultural areas, is also China's most serious haze, lasted the longest of the province, agricultural intensification and concentration of livestock and the deteriorating air quality is also to blame. Wheat, corn and cotton in Hebei province up 61.8 million tons of straw a year, crop stalks about two-thirds being used as fertilizer or animal feed, the remaining part is burned directly in the field, or as a resident of fuel cooking heating, indoor and outdoor air pollution. In addition, livestock about 30.7 million tons of manure produced each year, and if not handled properly, can lead to pollution of water sources and spreading disease.

World Bank senior agricultural expert Liu in charge of the project said: "the new project will demonstrate how to reduce environmental pollution through biogas production and utilization and provides clean energy, experience gained through the pilot in Hebei province and its surrounding areas can be used to promote the effective and sustainable use of agricultural wastes, for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region contribute to efforts to improve air quality. ”

Expect rural renewable energy development project in Hebei province produces about 42 million cubic meters of biogas annually, providing 96100 rural residents as a cooking fuel instead of coal, it is estimated that about 58780 tons of carbon dioxide emissions a year. Biogas can be used in purifying and supplying items remaining County Public Transportation Department in the fuel.
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