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Global liquefied natural gas supply will be increased to more than 100 million tons
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenStar  Pubtime:2015-03-18 09:07:04  Click:705
According to the world's leading energy company United Kingdom LNG group in its annual Outlook report, 2015 global supply will increase by 122 million tons of liquefied natural gas, of which Australia accounted for more than half of the new supply. Expected by 2019, Australia supply 58 million tons of liquefied natural gas every year, mainly from the seven natural gas exploitation projects under construction.

Reports that this is 4 years of global LNG rose substantially for the first time, and will promote increased global trade in liquefied natural gas 3% to reach 250 million tons.

On the demand side, in 2015 the world will build 12 liquefied natural gas import terminals and one expansion project. In addition, there are 6 State becomes the new liquefied natural gas importers, namely, Egypt, and Jordan, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland and Uruguay.

The report predicts that in 2015 due to global changes in the supply and demand pattern large liquefied natural gas, market prices are expected to show the wave motion, mainly due to uncertainties in demand, including Japan's resumption of nuclear power plants, China's economic performance, and demand for imports, European energy demand will stabilize, and other factors.
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