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Changsha:Constructing Electric car charging infrastructure,devote major efforts to developing Environmental protection
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenStar  Pubtime:2015-03-18 09:28:45  Click:739
Since June this year, wayward running in open electric vehicle speed. Two days ago, Changsha electric power supply company held joint public information Commission and the municipal environmental protection Bureau "energy-saving emission reduction, sharing blue skies" energy alternative to large-scale public campaigns, reporters learned from the events: Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao high-speed xingsha service area (northbound) electric vehicle charging stations have been built, currently in the commissioning stage, in June of this year is expected to be put into use.

Of particular concern is that construction of Changsha electric vehicle charging infrastructure, will be fully open to the public, while the power sector next will turn mainly motorway route charging infrastructure construction and operation, Changsha will mark the climax of electric vehicle charging infrastructure construction.

1 Express charging

Changsha section of all service areas will be built charge station

"Star sand service area there are four charging electric vehicle charging station was built, at the same time as four electric vehicle charging. "National grid Changsha Branch Manager of zhouning introduction electric service, charging stations are equipped with DC power charger, capacity of 80-kilowatt, general electric car for half an hour, rechargeable 80%.

He explained that the electricity sector is pushing electric vehicle applications, at present, the Beijing-Macao high-speed electric car charging network is taking shape, Changsha section of all service areas of the future North-South bi-directional, supporting the construction of electric vehicle charging stations.

In addition, Yueyang, CHENZHOU, Hengyang, segments, such as charging stations are under construction. Next, place the hukun speed charging infrastructure construction on other highways, such as.

Energy production and use are the main sources of air pollution. In the fields of railway and urban rail transport, motor transport "with electricity instead of oil", which can raise the level of electrification of the transport, and to reduce oil consumption and thus promote structural adjustment and transport sector energy consumption energy efficiency and reduce air pollution caused by automobile exhaust.

2 the five-year construction

Changsha, 5 EV charging station

As the nation's first energy-saving and new energy vehicles demonstration cities, Changsha city in 2010, the electric bus charging station supporting construction of new energy vehicles.

In recent years, Changsha electric power supply company has invested nearly million Yuan, building charging infrastructure, has to build the East bus station, West point, datuo, sanchaji, Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao high-speed service area five electric vehicle charging stations, such as xingsha, Changsha electric-vehicle charging network is taking shape.

East station of Changsha auto-electric bus charging station Liu introduced 60 charging the station specifically designed to route 168, route 126, 103, 130 road 4 bus lines bus to provide recharging services, charging a bus to 5-6 hours, ranges over 250 km. In other words, night buses are full, can meet the operational requirements of day 1 day; full time when the electrical power consumption of 230-kilowatt probably relative to fuel buses, can save energy costs by more than half.

3 city layout

Relevant departments have started to survey construction, construction

"The promotion of new energy vehicles, charging is the key. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure construction in Changsha, will be fully open to the public, Changsha will mark the climax of electric vehicle charging infrastructure construction. "Experts told reporters that the Municipal Government published last year by the Office of the implementation on the popularization of new energy vehicles, specifically that should strengthen the infrastructure planning will be needed to promote new energy cars by charging for infrastructure such as power stations, charging into Changsha city planning construction, uniform layout, headroom.

Electric bus charging station based on the existing bus routes in Changsha city planning, priority in the former station building at the end of charging facilities.

Encourages both Office, and Mall, and hotels, and residential community, and social public parking according to must proportions construction charging facilities; new Office, and Mall, and hotels, and residential community, and social public parking to according to not below total planning parking 15% of proportions reserved charging pile of installation location and capacity; city public parking by charging pile total of 10% proportions, construction DC one charging machine, for cars, and taxi, and corporate car of fast charging.

Wang Cheng bus station, in addition to the power sector following built electric vehicle charging stations will be suspended as of electric vehicle charging infrastructure construction in urban area, turn to the highway route charging infrastructure construction and operation.

Correspondents in an interview: electric vehicle charging infrastructure construction layout of the city's preparatory work has commenced, departments concerned have begun to survey.
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