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Continued increase in the demand for heat exchangers in China
Author:sehenstar  Source:Sehenstar  Pubtime:2014-09-17 09:58:08  Click:1354

heat exchanger Is a different temperature of heat exchanger material between two or more fluid heat transfer between energy-saving devices is to enable the transfer of heat from fluids with high to low temperature fluid, the fluid temperature reaches the process with indicators of heat exchange equipment, heat exchangers, also known, are one of the main devices for improving energy efficiency. Industries related to HVAC, heat exchangers and pressure vessel, water treatment equipment in the past more than 30 species of industry, formed mutual industrial chain. With the development of energy-saving technologies, more and more types of heat exchanger.

Champ consulting industry analysts point out that in recent years, domestic heat exchanger industry in energy efficiency, improving efficiency, reducing the heat transfer area of heat transfer, reducing pressure drop, study of improvement of heat intensity and achieved remarkable results. Based on petroleum, chemical industry, electric power, metallurgy, shipbuilding, machinery, food, pharmaceutical, and other industries growing demands for stability of the heat exchanger, heat exchanger industry in our country will maintain steady growth in the next period.

Data show 2012 China heat exchanger industry market size at about 60 billion yuan in 2013, about 64.8 billion yuan market scale heat exchanger industry in China, mainly in the petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, electric power, shipbuilding, centralized heating, refrigeration and air-conditioning, mechanical engineering, food, pharmaceutical and other fields. Among them, the petrochemical industry is still heat exchanger industry's biggest market, whose market size was 15 billion yuan power metallurgy heat exchanger market size at about 8 billion yuan from ships, industrial heat exchanger market size more than 4 billion yuan machinery market size of about 4 billion yuan of industrial heat exchangers; heat exchanger market size of more than 3 billion yuan in central heating industry, food industry has nearly 3 billion yuan in the market. In addition, spacecraft, semiconductor devices and nuclear conventional Island nuclear, wind turbines, solar photovoltaic polysilicon production, need a lot of specialty heat exchangers, the size of these markets, there are about 13 billion yuan.

Champ consulting 2014-2018, published by deep research and prospects on Chinese plate heat exchanger industry report, petrochemical, energy and electricity, environmental protection and other industries continued to maintain steady growth, machinery, food, pharmaceutical, and other industries is still increasing demand for heat exchangers, high efficiency heat exchangers replaced lower heat transfer efficiency of ordinary heat exchangers, heat exchanger industry in our country will maintain steady growth in the next period. In addition, large-scale ethylene projects, mass construction of nuclear power plants, the construction of large-scale wind farms and major environmental protection projects under construction, sea water desalination project matures, will have great demand for heat exchanger industry. Therefore, the compound expected by 2015 China heat exchanger industry growth is 9%, 2015-2020 annual compound growth rate of 11%, heat exchanger market size of 77 billion is expected in 2015 China, markets in 2020 will reach 130 billion yuan.

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