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Shandong introduced 2014-2015 energy saving low carbon development action plan
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenStar  Pubtime:2014-10-20 09:48:50  Click:804
Shandong 2014-2015 introduced energy conservation action implementation plan for low-carbon development, further clarifies this year the province's energy-saving emission reduction carbon reduction targets and requirements in order to ensure the completion of the "Twelve-Five" energy-saving emission reduction carbon reduction targets, and comprehensively promote Shandong ecological civilization construction.

Shandong, the Shandong news broadcast of radio and television news reported that "Twelve-Five" the first three years, Shandong energy-saving emission reduction and achieved positive progress and results, but part of the emission reduction targets for progress lags, the province's energy-saving emission reduction situation is still grim.

Shandong introduced the course of action proposed: 2014 GDP energy consumption fell by 2.8% million Yuan, was completed in 2015 "Twelve-Five" energy saving target;

Deputy Director of energy saving and resource conservation in Shandong province Wang Yunhong said, "further promoting industrial, construction, transportation, and public institutions in key areas and in key areas, such as energy conservation and emission reduction, increased pollution, especially air and water pollution treatment efforts to ensure the realization of the" Twelve-Five "energy saving binding targets."

Structural adjustment, actively dissolve excess capacity, a year ahead of backward production phase-out in key industries such as glass. Vigorously develop the service sector and strategic industries such as energy saving and environmental protection, and by the end of 2015, GDP share of services and strategic industries accounts for around 44% and 10% respectively, which reach 550 billion yuan in gross energy saving and environmental protection industries. Adjust and optimize the structure of energy consumption by 2015, total coal consumption "is composed of roll off", increasing its share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to 4.5%.

Deputy Director of energy saving and resource conservation in Shandong province Wang Yunhong told reporters that the technical aspect, is the implementation of key projects, and an annual energy-saving capacity of 6 million tons of standard coal or more. Second, speed up the renovation of coal-fired boilers, by the end of 2015, out of urban built-up area and below the boiler steam 10 tons/hour. Third, increase the intensity of motor vehicle emissions, and from next year, a comprehensive supplier four diesel, actively phase out all yellow tagged vehicles and old cars.

In addition, Shandong will also strengthen energy management, strengthen the construction of key energy unit on-line monitoring system for energy consumption. Implement low-carbon energy saving product certification system, new energy-saving certification 1700 this year and next. Enhance power demand side management by 2015, saving power 1 billion-kilowatt, power-saving 300,000-kilowatt of tasks.

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