Energy Saving Solutions———More Energy Conserved, More The Planet Life Is Reserved.
Falling Film Evaporator----Application of Wide Channel Heat Exchanger
Author:sehenstar  Source:本站  Pubtime:2017-11-02 13:54:19  Click:692

One day a customer send us an email. 

We need an evaporator for the following work load.

1. Compressor size.      25 hp 

2. Evaporator tank media. Pure water.

3. Operating temperature. 1 deg C

4. Refrigerant.            Freon 404

5. Evaporator material.     SS 316 L

We asked him to provide us with the following information:

1. Inlet and outlet temperature of frozen water: 7℃~1℃? How much is the water flow quantity?

2. Model of comperssor: BITZER 4H-25.2Y? What kind of heat exchanger you want, falling film heat exchanger?

3.Under normal circumstances, we calculate the evaporation temperature of -5 degrees, the condensation temperature of 40 degrees.

With the compressor (BITZER 4H-25.2Y) load is 49.4Kw (50HZ). Pls confirm.

Soon we got his reply:

Thanks for your questionnaire, answers are as under,

1. Inlet and out temperatures are correct.

  I.e. 7 deg C and 1 deg C

2. Compressor is Frascool made, having a rating of 25 hp. No other information is available.

3. The type of heat exchanger we want is 316 stainless steellaser wave open type.

4. Evaporation temp of -5 and condensation temp of 40 is ok.

Any further info you need pl let me know.

Our engineer made a proposal for him.

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Add:Xi'an Jiao Tong University Science Park,Xiangcheng District,Suzhou,CN
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