Energy Saving Solutions———More Energy Conserved, More The Planet Life Is Reserved.
200kw In-River Heat-Exchanger For Heat-Pump
Author:sehenstar  Source:本站  Pubtime:2017-12-13 13:30:19  Click:528

Customer Request

1. Working Condition: A system to extract water temperature out of a river to use in a heat pump.

    - We require the in-river heat exchanger to provide 200kw capacity

    - We envisage it being a multi banked pillow plate design effectively an immersion chiller

    - We require on the river side a delta T of 3 deg Celsius with an assumption of the river flow     being turbulent and a design river water temperature of 9 deg Celsius. The heat pump side needs to     provide delta T of 5 deg Celsius designed on entering at 1 and leaving at 6. The fluid will be 25%     ethylene glycol. Maximum allowable flow rate 10.8kg/s

    - Approximate plate sizes of 3m long by 0.5 to 0.8m deep. Spacing between plates of between     100-200mm

    - Design pressure 6 bar test pressure 9 bar. Plate thickness 1mm. design code PED

    - Flow and return header at same of end of bank. Bank to be combined to allow lifting as a single unit     from designated lifting points

    - 2 off required

    - Please would you advise if you would be able to quote against our requirements and if you need any     further information.

2. Material:  Ss304

Sehenstar Proposal

1. Type of Heat Exchanger: Immersion heat exchanger

2. Drawing:

Contact Us
Add:Xi'an Jiao Tong University Science Park,Xiangcheng District,Suzhou,CN
Pillow Plate