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Let the water play "waste heat"-sewage-source heat pump system
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenStar  Pubtime:2014-11-03 09:35:31  Click:1578
Contribution to heat treatment, sewage but also energy-saving

High temperature sewage discharged from factories and enterprises of direct heat reuse, which is exploring clean energy for heating in Qingdao, a major breakthrough.

Located near shuangyuan road, Chengyang district, Qingdao Hua Jinyuan knitting company limited daily production up to 2000 tons of industrial waste water arising out of, the company in 2006 custom built water treatment plants, sewage recycling is realized. Since Qingdao Jin Hai thermoelectric, thermoelectric energy co in sewage treatment primary sedimentation tank of sewage source heat pump heat exchanger workshop set on one side, sewage heat energy has been removed for heating, so that these more thorough use of sewage. It is understood that the facility nearby to take sewage waste heat, then import the heat water system, supplying residents with warm.

"The waste water source heat pump heat-supply project, Chengyang district, Qingdao is the first sewage heating supply project, the project since last winter formal vote. According to statistics, use this heating and district heating pilot is 8000 square meters last year, one heating season savings of 160 tons of standard coal, emissions reductions 416 tons of carbon dioxide, emissions of sulfur dioxide, 1.38 tons. "Golden sea thermal power co worker said Zheng chunmiao, winter home of secondary supply water water temperature at 50 degrees Celsius, while vertical above the water temperature is as high as 25 ° c, the heat energy extracted from sewage, effective temperature reduced to qingshuiti of electricity consumed, realizes energy saving and lower consumption.

Reporters saw the SEHENSTAR sewage-source heat pump project between devices without manual operations, staff members need only through the monitor screen to understand the operation of equipment. It is learned that the sewage-source heat pump project design load is about 40,000 square meters, the last good effect case, operation the heating area expanded again this year. According to reports, in order to avoid the holidays no sewage sewage water temperature is low and extreme weather, city sewage source heat pump system also installed a steam heating system, once the sewage is not available, direct heating with steam and hot water to residents.

Every day tens of thousands of tons of water for the residents in refrigeration and heating

Small-scale factories and enterprises sewage achieve efficient use of major sewage treatment plant using the same attention.

In the island city's first sewage as cold and heat sources of construction project-SEHENSTAR project of sewage-source heat pump air conditioning system, reporters learned that the community whether it is heating in winter or cooling in summer, deftly Mai Island sewage treatment plant near the treated water in waste heat not only meets the shade in summer and winter heating needs of residents, but also energy-saving emission reduction and lower consumption.

Director Ding Xin Mai Island wastewater treatment plant introduction, Mai Island wastewater treatment plant sewage treatment and disposal capacity of about 130,000 tons a day, but only 7000 tonnes of water a day for road cleaning, greening, all the rest of the water discharged into the sea. "Maidaojin Bank of sewage source heat pump project into use, requires 20,000 tons to 40,000 tons per day of water in waste heat, so that more water comes in. "Ding Xin said that, generally speaking, winter outdoor 0 ℃, the water temperature was 10 degrees to 12 degrees Celsius in summer outdoors more than 30 ℃, water temperatures of 26 c to 27 c, by drawing upon the different seasons of the temperature difference between water temperature to achieve heating and cooling energy consumption.

Mission on the island this winter with sewage-source heat

As one of the clean-energy heating, sewage-source heat pump in heating technology after the official vote, did achieve a clean heating, energy conservation and emission reduction, however, due to resource constraints on this kind of heating factor is high, so widespread popularity is very difficult.

"Sewage-source heat pump heating needed sewage treatment plant as the core of the project, sewage water that is adequate, and would have extended from the energy limitations. Meanwhile, in order to prevent long-range transport resulted in large losses of energy, wastewater treatment plant, where the construction project must also have the heating needs of the residents surrounding. "Heating in Qingdao Office Chief of the planning section in that, other than Mai Island sewage treatment plant, sewage water to the community outside the maidaojin Bank, the Jincheng city coast community can use sea-park River sewage treatment plant effluent water, sewage-source heat pump heating is realized.

It is reported that urban large-scale sewage treatment plant in Qingdao, 5, namely wheat Island Island sewage treatment plant, sewage treatment plant, licun River sewage treatment plant and sea park Lou rivers, River sewage treatment plant, and sewage treatment plants. At present, unless they are involved in sewage source heat pump heating Mai Island sewage treatment plant and sea-park River sewage treatment plant, tuandao sewage treatment plants and is building a sewage-source heat pump project, planning for heating an area of 40,000 square meters, Waterside Plaza will be used for winter heating; licun River sewage treatment plant, sewage-source heat pump project plan is being prepared.
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