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Application of sewage source heat pump for heating
Author:sehenstar  Source:Sehenstar  Pubtime:2014-12-11 10:16:24  Click:2943
Linyi city, Shandong province, as the first one on the scale of water utilization project, Jin GUI garden residential water heating project using the new model-----in linyi area of sewage-source heat pump technology for the first time and at the same time adopting building energy management contract mode.

Contract energy management mode is energy service company through and customer signed energy service contract, for customer provides including: energy audit, and project design, and project financing, and equipment procurement, and engineering construction, and equipment installation debugging, and personnel training, and energy volume confirmed and guarantee, set of energy service, and from customer for energy transformation Hou obtained of energy benefits in the recovered investment and made profit of a commercial operation mode. Divided into share-energy management contract, the commitment contract energy management, energy expenditure-hosting contract energy management business.

According to to the community implementation sewage source hot pump technology of Teda energy technology limited Engineering Technology Department Minister Tengfei introduced, Jin GUI garden of sewage source heating used of is linyi pioneered water works company processing Hou of in the water, water factory distance Jin GUI garden community about 1.5 km, daily processing water 150,000 cubic meters around, winter water temperature in 12 ℃-16 ℃ Zhijian, water reached has national level a, of emissions standard. After the tide calculations, which can meet the 1.2 million to 1.6 million square meters of water in district heating supply 300,000 square meters of Jin GUI Garden have no problem. Two heating seasons, user feedback information is displayed, the indoor temperature at 18 degrees above, a few floors users even can reach 20 degrees centigrade.

"Teda invested 26 million yuan in the project, is based on energy performance contracting model for recovery of funds, in addition to sewage-source heat outside, this Foundation for Jin GUI garden to create a water reuse facility. "Tengfei told reporters.

Tengfei describes, if simply for the water pipes in the community building, building fees, water charges and so on are difficult questions, while sewage source heating project itself will draw water. After heating, water can be in direct services to the residential, landscaping, sprinkler, irrigation and flushing and cleaning of tenants, avoid embarrassment on a single pipeline construction costs, housing costs savings for households.

But not all water plants sewage source heating can be implemented. First is the temperature problem, as all the different water treatment plant sewage treatment process, led to the end of the outlet water temperature is also different, and distances are also important factors. If water and community are more than 5 km, water temperature is low, entering the unit may fail to meet health requirements.

Price is another key factor in restricting the sewage-source heat pump project, heat pump system is mainly run on electricity. If the project is in accordance with resident electricity price in electricity, can significantly reduce operating costs, but if you follow the commercial electricity rate running, heating costs will increase near the heating charges.
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