Energy Saving Solutions———More Energy Conserved, More The Planet Life Is Reserved.
Desulfurization and Denitrification Project
Author:sehenstar  Source:本站  Pubtime:2017-07-10 09:21:59  Click:525

One day we received an inquiry from our customer.

Desulfurization and Denitrification Project

Content of sulfur and nitrate were not clear

Flue gas inlet temperature 120℃, outlet temperature 50℃

Flue gas inlet flow rate 60000m3/h

Pressure drop 800pa

Cooling medium: cold air

Cold air temperature from 50℃ to 80℃ or above

Our engineer made the following proposal:

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Add:Xi'an Jiao Tong University Science Park,Xiangcheng District,Suzhou,CN
Pillow Plate