Industry News———More Energy Conserved, More The Planet Life Is Reserved.
The Energy Development Strategy Action Plan (2014-2020)
Author:sehenstar  Source:Sehenstar  Pubtime:2014-11-20 16:33:21  Click:9665

Control key coal coal consumption. With an emphasis on economically developed areas and cities, ordered at key coal fields "coal gas" works for the greater heat and pressure, accelerating the Elimination of scattered small coal-fired boilers, by 2017, almost complete focus on coal-fired boilers, industrial furnaces natural gas instead of renovation. Combining village, fringe, shanty, expanding the scope of coal zone in the city, gradually by urban built-up area expansion into the suburbs and significantly reduces the city disperse of coal use.

2. natural gas consumption.

Adhere to the combination of increasing supply and improving energy efficiency, strengthen the construction of gas facilities, expansion of natural gas imports, ordered expanding natural gas city gas application. By 2020, the share of natural gas in primary energy consumption increased to 10% per cent.

Implementing gasification urban livelihood projects. New living and alternative to disperse coal gas should give priority to the protection of residents, organize and implement plans of urban residents with clean, by 2020, town residents use natural gas.

The steady development of natural gas transportation. National gas development plan to develop gas transport development program, speed up the natural gas filling station construction, with a focus on urban taxis, buses, actively and orderly development of liquefied natural gas and compressed natural gas vehicles and appropriately develop natural gas cars, Intercity buses, heavy trucks and ships.

Developing natural gas. In Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, Shandong, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and other key areas of prevention and control of air pollution, and orderly development of natural gas peak power, combined with the thermal load requirements, developing gas-steam combined cycle cogeneration.

Speeding up construction of natural gas pipelines and gas storage facilities. In accordance with the West-East gas pipeline, gas South, in the North Sea gas landed air supply pattern, speeding up construction of natural gas pipelines and storage facilities, formed channel, main production and consumption areas connected to the national gas main pipeline network. By 2020, natural gas trunk pipeline mileage of more than 120,000 km.

Expand the scale of gas imports. Increase the intensity of imported LNG and pipeline gas.

3. the safe development of nuclear power.

In adopting the highest international safety standards, under the premise of ensuring safety, timely in the eastern coastal region started construction of the new nuclear power projects, research and demonstration inland nuclear power plant construction. Insist on the introduction of secondary innovation, focusing on promoting the AP1000, CAP1400, high temperature gas-cooled reactor, fast reactor and reprocessing technology. Domestic independent technical project, focusing on building large advanced pressurized water reactor and high temperature gas-cooled reactor project demonstration project. Research on basic theory of actively promoting nuclear power, nuclear security technology research and development, design and construction, improvement of nuclear fuel cycle system. Actively promoting nuclear power "go out". Strengthening awareness of nuclear science and nuclear safety. By 2020, nuclear power installed capacity reached 58 million-kilowatt, built capacity to more than 30 million-kilowatt.

4. vigorously develop renewable energy.

According to output and eliminate use of both at the same time, centralized and distributed development principle, accelerate the development of renewable energy. By 2020, the proportion of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to 15%.

Actively develop hydropower. On the premise of eco-environmental protection and resettlement, in Southwest China jinsha, Yalong, dadu, Lancang River and other rivers to focus on actively and orderly construction of large hydroelectric base. Adjusting measures to local conditions to develop small and medium power stations, pumped storage power station planning and construction, strengthen the utilization of water resources. By 2020, to hydroelectric installed capacity reached about 350 million kW.

Developing wind power. Focus on planning and construction in Jiuquan, in Western Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Heilongjiang and Eastern Inner Mongolia, Northern Hebei province, Hami, Jiangsu and Shandong, 9 large modern wind power base, and supporting the transmission project. With a focus on South and East, developing decentralized wind, steady development of offshore wind energy. By 2020, wind power installed capacity reached 200 million-kilowatt, electricity feed-in tariff of wind power and coal.

Accelerating the development of solar power. Orderly construction of photovoltaic base synchronization do local absorptive and focus out of the construction. Speeding up the construction of demonstration area of distributed PV applications, the steady implementation of solar thermal power generation demonstration project. Strengthening the grid-connected solar power generation services. Encourage large public buildings and public facilities, construction of industrial parks distributed photovoltaic roofs. By 2020, solar PV installed capacity of around 100 million-kilowatt, photovoltaic and grid sales price.

Actively develop geothermal, biomass and ocean energy. Adhere to the integrated, suit measures to local conditions, develop diverse approach, order of geothermal energy, ocean energy resources, development of bio-energy and geothermal energy exploitation and utilization planning and actively promote geothermal energy, biomass and ocean energy clean and efficient use, promotion of bio-energy and geothermal heating, geothermal power, and ocean energy power generation demonstration project. By 2020, the use of geothermal energy to reach 50 million tons of standard coal.

Raise the level of renewable energy utilization. Enhancing power grid planning and scientific arrangement in peak load, frequency, energy storage capacity and effectively solve the desert wind, water, discard the light problem.

(D) to expand international cooperation.

Integrated utilization of domestic and international resources, two markets, adhere to the simultaneous development of investment and trade, land, sea and channel simultaneously, speeding up the development of offshore energy resources in medium-and long-term planning, efforts to expand import channels and focus on building economic belt, 21st century Silk Road Silk Road on the sea, Bangladesh-India-Myanmar-economic corridor and the Economic Corridor, actively supports energy technologies, equipment and engineering teams "go".

Strengthen Russia in Central Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the Americas and Asia-Pacific regional building on five key energy cooperation, deepen bilateral and multilateral international energy cooperation, establishment of a regional energy market. Actively participate in global energy governance. Step up the co-ordination, support enterprises to "go out".

(E) promote energy technology innovation.

Innovation mechanism, tamp the Foundation, advanced deployment, in accordance with the principle of focusing on beyond, strengthen science and technology innovation, encourage the introduction of secondary innovation, upgrading building energy technology innovation, building energy technology superpower.

1. a clear strategic direction and focus of energy technology innovation.

Caught energy Green, and low carbon, and smart development of strategy direction, around guarantees security, and optimization structure and energy emission reduction, long-term target, established non-General oil and gas and the deep-sea oil and gas exploration development, and coal clean efficient using, and distributed energy, and smart grid, and next-generation nuclear power, and advanced can renewable energy, and energy water, and storage can, and based material, 9 a focus innovation field, clear page rock gas, and seam gas, and page rock oil, and deep-sea oil and gas, and coal processing, and high parameter energy environmental coal-fired power, and overall gas of joint cycle power, and Advanced gas turbine, a modern grid, nuclear power, photovoltaics, solar thermal power, wind power, biofuels, gas hydrates, geothermal energy, ocean energy power generation and large capacity to store energy, hydrogen energy and fuel cells, energy and basic materials, such as direction of 20 key innovations, developing shale gas, coal bed methane, deep water oil and gas development and other major demonstration projects.

2. grasp the major science and technology projects.

Accelerate the implementation of large oil and gas fields and coal seam gas development in the State major science and technology projects. Strengthening advanced pressurized water reactor and high temperature gas-cooled reactor nuclear power stations the State major science and technology projects. Strengthening technological research, striving for shale gas, deepwater oil and gas, natural gas hydrate, a new generation of nuclear technology made a major breakthrough.

3. relying on major project-driven innovation.

Relying on offshore oil and gas, and unconventional oil and gas exploration and exploitation, the efficient and clean use of coal, advanced nuclear power, renewable energy, smart grid and other major energy projects, speed up the transformation of scientific achievements, accelerate the construction of energy equipment manufacturing innovation platform, supports advanced energy technology "going" to form internationally competitive energy equipment industry.

4. accelerating energy technology innovation system.

Develop national energy development strategy of science and technology innovation and energy equipment. Set up enterprise-centered, market-oriented, political innovation system of combination of production, teaching and research. Encourages the establishment of diversified energy technology venture fund. Strengthening energy personnel, encourage the introduction of high-end talents to foster a number of energy technological leading talents.

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