Industry News———More Energy Conserved, More The Planet Life Is Reserved.
The Energy Development Strategy Action Plan (2014-2020)
Author:sehenstar  Source:Sehenstar  Pubtime:2014-11-20 16:33:21  Click:9667

Three, safeguards

(A) deepening energy system reform.

Insist on reform direction of socialist market economy, the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources and give better play to the role of Government, deepening energy system reform to build modern energy systems, ensuring national energy security and create a good environment.

Improving access to modern energy market system. Establish a unified, open, competitive and orderly modern market system. Advancing the separation, separation of natural monopoly and competitive businesses, open up competitive areas and links. Unified access system, developed based on the negative list, encourage and guide all types of market players equal access to areas other than the negative list according to law, promote energy investment subject pluralism. Deepening the reform of State-owned energy enterprises, improving motivation and appraisal mechanism, improving the competitiveness of enterprises. Encouraged to use the futures market to hedge, advancing the construction of the crude oil futures market.

Promoting the reform of energy prices. Promoting the reform of prices for oil, natural gas, electricity and other fields, and ordered open competitive part prices, natural gas wellhead price and sales price, price and the sale price by the market, and oil and gas pipeline transmission and distribution price pricing prices by the Government.

Deepening the reform in key areas and crucial links. Focus on power grids, oil and gas pipeline construction and operation system, clear power grid, oil and gas pipeline network functions, and gradually establish fair access, supply and demand oriented, reliable, flexible power and oil and gas distribution networks. Accelerating the pace of electric power system reform, promote trade directly the demand and supply sides, building a competitive electricity market.

Sound energy laws and regulations. Accelerate coal development and electricity law, the energy law revision. Actively promote the management of offshore oil and gas pipeline protection, nuclear power, energy reserves, such as the formulation of administrative regulations or amendments.

Further transforming government functions, improve energy regulatory system. Strengthening energy development strategies, planning, development and implementation of policy, standards, accelerate decentralization, continued to cancel and delegation of administrative approval items. Strengthen power supervision, improve the supervisory organization system and regulatory system, and innovative regulatory approaches, improve the efficiency of supervision and maintaining a fair and just market order, and create a favorable environment for the healthy development of the energy industry.

(B) to improve and perfect the energy policy.

Improving the energy tax policy. Speed up the reform of resource taxes, and actively promote the clearing charge state tax, and gradually expand the scope of resource taxes ad valorem taxation. Study on adjusting energy excise tax and duty, to be part of high energy-consuming and highly polluting products into the scope. Improving energy conservation tax policy, establish and improve the mechanism of ecological compensation, speeding up the tax legislation of environmental protection work, to explore the establishment of green taxation system.

Sound energy investment and industrial policies. Give full play to role of markets on the basis of, and expand the scale of geological prospecting Fund, focusing on supporting and guiding the development of unconventional gas and deepwater oil and gas resources and international cooperation, perfect for basic, strategic, cutting-edge scientific research and generic technology research and support mechanism for major equipment. Improve the peak FM alternate compensation policies, implementation of renewable electricity quotas and fully guaranteeing the purchasing policies and supporting measures. Encourage banking institutions in accordance with the principles of risk control, business sustainability, and increase energy conservation and efficiency, supported by comprehensive utilization of energy resources and clean energy projects. Study and formulation of incentive policies to promote green credit development.

Improving energy consumption policies. Introduction of differentiated energy pricing policy. Enhance power demand side management to implement energy management contract, fostering energy efficiency services and energy service companies, energy auditing systems. Sound energy-saving evaluation review system for fixed asset investment projects, implementation of energy efficiency "leader" System.

(C) the Organization and implementation.

Strengthening organization and leadership. National Energy Board leadership role into full play, study and consideration of energy major strategic issues, promoting the implementation of the present plan of action. Department of energy should earnestly fulfill their duties Office of the National Energy Commission, to organize and coordinate departments to formulate rules for its implementation.

Detailed tasks. Relevant departments of the State Council, provincial (district, municipal) and focus on energy companies to the inclusion of implementation of this plan of action in this sector, in this area, their agenda, doing all kinds of planning and linking up with the present plan of action. Office of the National Energy Commission to formulate implementation plans, down objectives, a clear schedule and coordination mechanisms, carefully organized and implemented.

Strengthen supervision. Office of the National Energy Commission to follow closely the progress and mastery goal tasks, urging measures to implement, see practical results. In the process of implementing, organizational assessment to periodic inspection and evaluation, critical situations timely reporting to the State Council.

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