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Strengthening ecological construction,Improvement of ecological environment
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenStar  Pubtime:2015-03-20 08:51:38  Click:711
Air pollution prevention and control in 2013, 2014 is the second consecutive year been listed as Hebei province prop 1th, proposal this year would focus on what is the problem? Recently, this reporter learned from the Hebei province, Hebei province this year will "strengthen ecological construction, improvement of the ecological environment" as a proposition 1th.
Conservation of groundwater resources in prevention of soil pollution

Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei water resources shortage in haihe River basin with and average of 37.04 billion m3 of water resources in haihe River basin, per capita possession of water resources for 276.0m3, only the national average of 13%, less than the internationally accepted standard one-third-1000m3 lack of water per capita, or all is known for drought and water shortage in Israel.

For the serious shortage of water resources, Member of the CPPCC Hebei, Shijiazhuang economy Institute of water resources and the environment, Dean raised Xu Guangming, Shijiazhuang, Baoding, Tangshan, Handan, Hebei province, concentrated groundwater over-exploitation due to urban water supply, has formed a certain scale of groundwater descent funnel. Route after the implementation of urban water resource problems can be effectively alleviated, possible to stop or limit the city groundwater.

Xu Guangming suggested that use of groundwater descent funnel in building underground reservoirs, residual water from South to North as the local surface water and underground water diversion and storage of water, artificial groundwater storage, centralized mining of groundwater descent funnel in the city were restored and allow the aquifer to cultivation, and used as the future economic development of reserves of water and emergency water supplies.

70% per cent of total agricultural water consumption in Hebei province, solve the problem of agricultural water is the key to solving the problem of water resources in Hebei province. Xu Guangming, proposed, agricultural water conservation and regulation of water resources in typical areas, areas where conditions and actively promote engineering water-saving steps, according to promote efficient agriculture irrigation water saving technologies, and strengthening agricultural water saving measures. In areas without conditions to actively promote the gaocheng experience of small border irrigation, agricultural irrigation within quota. In agricultural groundwater descend funnel of water, deep groundwater overdraft area, giving up crop water consumption of winter wheat and summer maize contoured, expansion of high quality fruit vegetable, flower, mushroom, medicinal herbs, quality forage acreage. In heilonggang area, along the yellow fill Lake diversion project, use of paleochannel zones as storage space, underground water storage, irrigation groundwater in rainy season the Yellow River supplies water to achieve regulation of surface water and groundwater, to protect not only the agricultural irrigation and groundwater environment protection purposes.
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