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"Working Group on Energy Efficiency Testing and Evaluation of Heat Exchangers" was held in Xi'an
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenStar  Pubtime:2016-11-10 16:10:31  Click:5230
September 7, "heat exchanger energy efficiency testing and evaluation rules" (hereinafter referred to as "evaluation rules") drafting group working meeting held in Xi'an. Deputy Director-General of Special Equipment Bureau of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Wang Jianguo, Deputy Secretary-General of the Special Equipment Safety and Energy Conservation Association, Mr. Wang Jianguo, Deputy Director-General of the Special Equipment Safety and Energy Conservation Association.

The meeting heard the introduction of the background and principles of the evaluation rules, and discussed and revised the draft. Participants pointed out that the "evaluation rules" should be mainly for the test and evaluation methods, testing organizations will be clearly incorporated into the testing agency approval, evaluation by the testing agency, and test equipment for the test facility capacity, personnel capacity, impartiality should be established A procedural requirement. In addition, the participants also on the plate heat exchanger and other technical requirements of heat transfer equipment, energy efficiency formulas in the various physical quantities how to test proposed.
"Evaluation Rules" is to tie in with the National Development and Reform Commission will be included in the energy-saving products, heat exchanger products, tax reduction directory and the development of special equipment safety technical specifications, July 2016 AQSIQ Special Equipment Bureau to our technical regulations issued by the Department of the Ministry of Organization drafting work, has formed a draft, modified to form the draft.
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