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China's next five-year plan to control carbon dioxide emissions
Author:sehenstar  Source:Sehenstar  Pubtime:2014-09-23 10:41:14  Click:1048
Today, Scio held a press conference, the national development and Reform Commission Xie Zhenhua, Deputy Head of the State Council approved the national plan to address climate change (2014-2020) interpretation. Xie Zhenhua said that over the next five years, China's total consumption of coal and carbon dioxide emissions of total control.

Xie Zhenhua, introduction, climate change, carbon dioxide emissions peak as early as possible if you want to appear in China, we have to take total control of the measures, so we are ready to control the total energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. We are now argues that the programme is prepared to take action. When China began to adopt this measure, and pass the following further arguments, to introduce some policies and measures in this respect, can be implemented.
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