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Economy is still at reasonable intervals,Energy conservation and consumption reduction of employment was better than expected
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenStar  Pubtime:2014-10-23 10:06:19  Click:711
Former Chinese economic performance in the third quarter is still at reasonable intervals, and there have been some positive, profound trend changes. Dominated by the service industry, accelerate the emergence of new formats structure optimization has become more apparent. Decentralization reforms such as creating new momentum to speed up growth. Employment, energy consumption index was better than expected.

Premier Li keqiang, on 21st group meets in Beijing this afternoon to attend the 21st Asia Pacific economic cooperation (APEC) Finance Ministers meeting of the economies of the delegation.

Li said that, generally speaking, China's economic performance in the third quarter is still at reasonable intervals before, and there have been some positive, profound trend changes. To speed up environmental services guide, new formats emerge structure has become more apparent. Decentralization reforms such as creating new momentum to speed up growth. Indicators such as employment, industrial energy efficiency, energy saving and better than expected. Meanwhile, the external environment remains complex, downward pressure and difficulties affecting the development of China's economy are still not small, fully effective reform measures need a process. In short, we are full of confidence in China's economy, faces the challenge is not to be taken lightly, with a promising State of mind to meet the annual major tasks.

Li pointed out that China is committed to actively promoting the Asia-Pacific regional economic development and cooperation, and wishes to work together with APEC members, promote world and for strong, sustainable and balanced economic growth in the region. Hope that APEC Finance Ministers will actively explore the Asia-Pacific economic development path of future transformation, promote regional economic cooperation, for APEC cooperation to inject new content and activity.

Australia's Finance Minister raised 25 economies and international organizations in representatives said China's remarkable achievements in economic and social development. China's economic success is not only the Gospel of the Asia-Pacific, also is of great significance to the world. Economies are willing to work together with China to make APEC meeting a success.
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