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Hunan Lugu:Multi-billion dollar energy project was officially launched
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenStar  Pubtime:2014-10-23 09:58:29  Click:859
To "to 2020, foster 2 home annual output value had 10 billion yuan, and has industry with power of leading enterprise, 3-5 home annual output value had 5 billion yuan of pillar enterprise, 10 home annual output value had 1 billion yuan of backbone enterprise, 20 home annual output value had billion yuan of technology type Enterprise, attract 5-10 home renowned overseas of energy environmental enterprise, industry overall scale reached 100 billion yuan" for target, Hunan Changsha high-tech district has blow ring energy environmental industry qianyiji group of "build-up,", A new multi-billion dollar industry cluster in Lugu this innovative entrepreneurial emerging.

The new policy

500 million dollars to the force development of energy saving and environmental protection industries

Last August, the State Council issued opinions on accelerating the development of energy saving and environmental protection industries, energy-saving and environmental protection industries annual growth remained at 15% per cent, output will reach 4.5 trillion yuan next year and become new pillar industries of the national economy. In April of this year the environmental protection act as amended will be implemented from next year, it is already thriving energy saving and environmental protection industries to add freshness.

Changsha as "two types of social" reform pilot area of core cities, developing green industry in it's time, and the engines of industrial development--high-tech will focus to energy-saving and environmental protection industries. Since 2010, Hunan province since the first environmental protection industrial park located in Lugu, first nationwide industries pilot zone, gold-lettered signboard such as State housing industrialization base followed, high-tech energy-saving environmental protection industry expanded rapidly, becoming the engine of supporting high-tech upgrade. Last year, the region-wide energy conservation and environmental protection enterprise-scale industrial output value of more than 13 billion yuan, an increase of 109%.

New this year the Changsha high-tech zone of the support policy of accelerating the development of energy saving and environmental protection industries: "starting in 2014, totalling 100 million Yuan every year for 5 consecutive years, high-tech district, primarily to support key enterprises, introduction of energy saving and environmental protection, the development of energy conservation, environmental protection service, develop new markets, introduce high-end talent, encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship, and so on. "5 years, 500 million Yuan capital, Lugu adds new impetus to energy saving and environmental protection industries development.

All chains

Form 5 broad areas of upstream and downstream industry chain

Development of energy saving and environmental protection industries, high-tech district started earlier and accumulated certain experience, the Lugu has formed a relatively complete industrial chain. Among them, the chain of energy saving and environmental protection industries focused on green building, urban solid waste disposal, water pollution prevention and control, air pollution control of heavy metal and 5 major areas such as energy saving and environmental protection services.

China's biggest environmental sanitation machinery development and production base, sales volume ranked first in the industry of zoomlion environmental, in solid waste treatment equipment, machinery and equipment sanitation project based on integration focusing on food waste processing equipment, construction waste processing equipment and heavy metal wastewater treatment technology and comprehensive utilization of resources, project construction, became leading enterprises in equipment manufacturing, integration of environmental services. Last year, zoomlion environmental industry equipment production of zoomlion Lugu Industrial Park II came into use, after full production output of tens of billions of dollars. Pioneers of China's housing industry modernization--ambitious, finished houses exported to South America for the first time last year. This year, the ambitious guest worker in Shanghai, Chengdu, two bases under construction, Lugu small towns, and many projects have been built.

Lugu microcosm of energy saving and environmental protection industries to flourish. To in the Alliance heavy section environment, and modern environment mainly of city solid waste processing field, to great live workers, and superstar building materials mainly of green building industry field, to China Shi Czech environmental, and force collection technology, and Hunan cattle environmental mainly of water pollution, and heavy metal governance and the sources online monitoring equipment field, to Foothill South desulfurization, and better Yu environmental mainly of air pollution governance field, to in the ye sky, and chemical Department Design Institute mainly of environmental services field...... From the upstream equipment, materials, production, construction and operating services to the middle and lower reaches of technical support, Lugu has formed a complete industrial chain of energy saving and environmental protection. At present, more than more than 200 energy-saving environmental protection enterprises have chosen Lugu industrial output value amounted to 20 billion yuan.

Great development

Create qianyiji energy saving and environmental protection industry Park

On the road in the exploration of cultivating new economic growth points, and Lugu never stops. Energy saving and environmental protection, high-tech district industry development will be "rammed a basis, highlight two key" as the key task, to create national pilot demonstration base of environmental protection policies for this sector, the central gathering place for the environmental industry, equipment manufacturing and environmental services in Hunan province's strategic heights and the qianyiji model of energy saving and environmental protection industry Park.

"Solid basis" refers to the construction of eco-industrial park is based. High-tech zone currently has 19 national industrial base, incubators and accelerators with total floor area of more than 2.2 million square meters, with more than 300 professional service organization of science and technology, more than 350 public service platform to build enterprise in a total of 1 million square meters of Lugu industrial park, square and XING international energy saving and environmental protection industries, including professional carrier. Lugu will focus on energy saving and environmental protection industries in Hunan province building, build a headquarters base of environmental protection industry in the province and multi-service centres, and will focus on the introduction of innovative ability of universities, research institutes and other environmental agencies, accelerate the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, and improve the region's competitiveness.

"Highlight two key" is a focus on the implementation of "strong" projects and efforts to promote energy saving and environmental protection service industry. Lugu focuses on 5 main areas industry, the introduction of water, air, sound, pollution equipment manufacturers and energy saving service businesses.

Future, will lead the industry in high-tech area good specialist environmental treatment and environmental services one-stop integrated service provider, formed a number of leading enterprises in environmental services. With a focus on energy conservation and environmental protection services to foster a number of own brands and core technology, market competitive enterprises in the service sector, encouraging its use of energy performance contracting, franchising and other models of environmental governance, energy, sewage companies in designing, financing, reconstruction, commissioning, operation and management of "one-stop" services.
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