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Energy crisis for India turned to nuclear power, wants to revive a languishing economy
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenstar  Pubtime:2014-10-24 10:13:35  Click:830
Due to the cancellation of hundreds of coal-mining permits, India faced a new energy crisis, the new Prime Minister MODI which was aggravated by the situation, he is turning to nuclear power, but at the same time facing questions at home and abroad.

Energy-hungry India produce two-thirds dependent on coal power, but power outages are common, due to economic development and the expansion of the middle class, demand for electricity has been growing fast.

Recently, due to the process of obtaining mining permits were arrested for illegal, India's Supreme Court canceled more than 200 coal mining permit. This makes it imperative to find alternative sources of energy.

To actively seek international cooperation

MODI will nuclear energy as a priority the development of alternative energy sources, he tried to fulfill the campaign promise, hope to revive the flagging economy.

In order to move forward with the plan, he needs to persuade a sceptical public, emphasized the safety of nuclear energy, also need to eliminate the restrictions of the international nuclear nonproliferation treaty, to ensure that India could import needs of uranium and nuclear technology, which can be successfully developing atomic energy.

"India's Supreme Court on the issue of coal mine decision caused widespread concern in the community for power outages, once again proves that rely on a single energy how unhealthy it is. "Energy and environment researcher at Amite·Bandali, a Mumbai think-tank," said investing in nuclear energy is a wise choice, it provides clean energy, and against the impact of coal shortages. ”

World Bank data shows that nearly 50 million India sent me to have electricity. Currently India's 20 nuclear power stations only offer less than 2% of total supply, but the Government hopes that by 2050 this figure increased to 25%.

MODI to proceed expeditiously to achieve this goal. Visit to Japan, when he won Japan's Prime Minister Abe's commitment to speed up the discussion on the nuclear deal, after which he and Australia's Prime Minister, Tony Abbott signed a related agreement, this gives the international community the uranium fuel is sold to India paved.

The international community remains vigilant

While India now has the world's largest reserves of thorium, which is a more secure nuclear materials than uranium, but India also did not have to use thorium based reactors generate energy technologies.

Prior to this, India Government still needs to continue to import uranium fuel, because their own radioactive ore reserves are limited.

"India wants from China self-sufficient in reactor design and adaptation of technology experience to succeed. "The Institute for defence studies and analyses in New Delhi says China expert aweinashi·geboli.

A long-standing border dispute means that Beijing will maintain a distance, even though India hopes to acquire the technology from China.

Vigilance's international allies still worry, especially for not signing the nuclear non-proliferation Treaty has provided so much greater assistance. Japan wants to make sure no more nuclear weapons ready for testing, but India is unlikely to publicly answer it this promise.

Private investment in a positive

India has the world's fifth-largest coal reserves, but the industry is a snail's pace, primary mining method of fraud and corruption and other factors led to the coal mine digging seriously lags behind the demand, so much so that every year have to import millions of tons of coal from abroad.

Experts say that coal shortages lead to higher electricity costs, which was favored by building alternative energy ideas.

"A lot of companies are waiting to invest in this. "Former India Atomic Energy Commission Chairman anierka·kedeka said," once the responsibilities clear on policy issues, the project's footsteps will catch up. ”

India has not been clear accidents cost the supplier's sphere of responsibility, and therefore cannot improve the negative image of nuclear safety.

And concerns over the livelihood of a radiation leak has led to the Queensland fishermen near the dankulan resistance movement, the nuclear power plant is located in the southern state of Tamil na from Russia helped build.

"Nuclear energy has always had an image problem, one need only mention the ' nuclear ', the word, the first thought is the site of the explosion of mushroom clouds. "Bhandari said.
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