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Tighter green building standards are being developed
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenStar  Pubtime:2014-10-28 13:28:41  Click:827
China construction metal structure Association said the Housing Ministry is working on building energy efficiency upgrade, the next step will introduce tighter green building standards. Yao Bing, President of the Association, Ministry of housing and the original Chief Engineer pointed out at the Forum, China's photovoltaic building integration prospects, but at the same time to solve the high cost of PV building, financing and building photovoltaic system inefficiency problem.

"To further improve photovoltaic building standards, the current standards are published by the Ministry of housing and construction, inspection, maintenance, grid-connected stages, different construction standards, however poorly defined. "He said, the next step to the introduction of more stringent, and improve the standard and raise the weight of PV in green building assessment standard, the promotion of green building applications.

The requirements of energy saving and emission reduction and energy revolution, to new buildings in the area of energy requirements. Earlier the State Department has officially approved the programme of action of the green building, in practical applications for evaluation of energy-saving of architecture II and III, corresponding subsidies. The insiders, the actions of the current programme is not high, subsidies are more casual, expects further introduced rules to advance the project.
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