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Beijing, tianjin and other places pollution charge standard up to 5-15 times
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenStar  Pubtime:2014-10-30 09:15:00  Click:860
2014, according to the national people's Congress supervision work plan, from May to September this year, members of the national people's Congress environmental and resources Committee and NPC 5 total 41-Member inspection group dispatched to 10 provinces (cities) carried out the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the air pollution prevention law.

Yesterday, the NPC Vice Chairman Shen Yueyue introduction, law enforcement inspection group found that structural pollution enforcement and regulatory responsibilities are not in place, local governments and departments of issues still outstanding.

74 key urban PM2.5 concentrations decreased 7.9%

Inspection and around Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and other air pollution control in key areas, and also commissioned other provinces (regions and municipalities) to inspect the situation of air pollution prevention and control the administration of the Standing Committee.

Data shows that first half of 2014 74 key urban fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations decreased 7.9%, respirable particulate matter (PM10) concentration decreased by 6.5% days in standards percentage 1.6%.

Shen Yueyue pointed out that total emissions of major pollutants control system made initial progress. "Actively promote the implementation of the sewage charging system, and continuously improve the main pollutant discharge fees, 5-15-fold increase in Beijing, Tianjin and other places. â€

In addition, relevant departments of the State Council issued a new ambient air quality standards, fine particulate matter, ozone and carbon monoxide concentration limits into index system has developed over more than 200 gas-related environmental standards, technical policies and standards, improving emissions in key industries such as power requirements.

Air pollution 80% not reported cases investigated

Inspection team believes that current air quality is not optimistic, the situation is still grave.

Some local governments seeking to develop speed, heavy chemical rapid expansion of production capacity, iron and steel, cement, electrolytic aluminum, high pollution and high energy consumption, such as overcapacity, heavy industrial structure characteristics. Some local governments the responsibility for improving air quality has not fully complied with, there are human issues such as law enforcement, penalties in escrow, behavior is not effectively deter that illegally discharge pollutants. Sewage charge is not standard in some areas, there is little sign, missing sign.

In addition, Shen Yueyue introduction, grass-roots governance capacity is seriously inadequate, investigations, forensics, investigate and deal with difficult issues are more prominent. "The sources of air pollution point wide, grass-roots environmental law enforcement is weak and backward methods of supervision. "In 2013, reported cases received by the Department of environmental protection, air pollution accounted for 73%, but investigate and deal with cases of pollution classes throughout the year, and only 12%.

According to statistics from related departments, due to regulatory responsibilities is not clear enough, 52 management functions of the anti-air pollution law, 20 no clear management. Some management functions there, for example, motor vehicles management functions relating to environmental protection, public security, 13 sectors such as industry, transportation, quality control, cannot be effectively coordinated between departments.

Changes in air pollution prevention law this year legislation plan

In addition, some awareness of the law, has not really the subject of implementing pollution prevention responsibilities.

Shen Yueyue introduction part of enterprise pollution treatment facilities do not function properly, "then stops, you're off the line," "day stop night-row", conceal a false report the monitoring data and other ways to cope and to evade law enforcement supervision. Enterprises that illegally discharge pollutants was investigated after the fines far less pollution control costs, many companies would rather pay the fines did not take the initiative to prevent water pollution.

NPC Standing Committee amend the air pollution control law have been included in this year's legislative plan.

Examination, the proposed amendments to the existing air pollution prevention and control law include: clear of environmental responsibility, strengthening of local governments and relevant departments at all levels and heads of evaluation; strengthening pollution control responsibility, increase penalties for illegal enterprises and relevant responsible persons, and so on.

Recently, the relevant departments under the State Council have made air pollution prevention law (Amendment draft) for public comment, the next step is to seriously consider views from all sides as early as possible to modify the draft, submitted to the national people's Congress for deliberation on schedule.
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