Energy Saving Solutions———More Energy Conserved, More The Planet Life Is Reserved.
Cooling Of Output Waste Water From Fish Factory
Author:sehenstar  Source:本站  Pubtime:2018-01-22 14:34:18  Click:462

Customer Request

1. Working Condition: Poultry processing industry

    - type of water:                                                            output daf for fish factory

    - flow:                                                                          300 m3/day

    - temperature water:                                                    45-50 Celsius degrees

    - suspended solids:                                                     300 ppm or less

    - ph:                                                                             7-8

    - Inlet and outlet pressure of wastewater                     30 psi

    - Cooling medium                                                         cool water

    - Inlet and outlet pressure of cooling medium              40 psi inlet outlet unknown

    - Inlet and outlet temperature of cooling medium         20 Celsius degrees inlet 35 Celsius degrees oulet

    - Inlet and outlet flow rate of cooling medium               the flow rate for colling medium  is 350 m3/day

2. Material: Ss304

Sehenstar Proposal

1. Type of Heat Exchanger: Waste water heat exchanger

2. Drawing:

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Pillow Plate