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Energy saving and emission reduction projects will receive up to 1 million yuan of subsidies
Author:sehenstar  Source:SeHenStar  Pubtime:2014-10-23 09:28:40  Click:760
Huangdao district, Qingdao, Shandong has issued new energy conservation measures for management and use of the Special Fund, meet the requirements of energy saving and emission reduction projects subsidized by the maximum of 1 million Yuan.

According to new of management approach, energy emission reduction special funds award of range and the standard main including: on existing production process and equipment implementation energy technology, and when completed production 3 months above of energy technical project, project units transformation two years ago integrated energy consumption in 1000 tons standard coal above and run 1 years above, and Festival energy in 300 tons (containing) standard coal to 1000 tons standard coal of, according to energy volume 240 Yuan/tons standard coal of standard be award, Energy at more than 1000 tons of recommended applications for the energy conservation technical innovation project of Qingdao City-level energy saving technical reconstruction the financial reward Fund; years of development and utilization of new energy equivalent to over 1000 tons of new projects, each exploitation 1 tons of one-time reward 100 Yuan, up to no more than 1 million Yuan.

Addition, years modified expansion or transformation sewage processing facilities (investment in 500,000 yuan above), and modified expansion or transformation coal-fired boiler desulfurization, and dust, and de nitrate and the volatile sex organic, exhaust, and industrial enterprise Yang dust governance facilities (investment in 500,000 yuan above), by project fixed assets investment amount of 30% gives grants; new or modified expansion scale animal farms pollution control facilities (investment in 100,000 yuan above), by fixed assets investment amount of 30% gives grants; regular completed flue gas bypass demolition task, Total investment in fixed assets of the 50% grant, a single project subsidy of less than 1 million Yuan year new or improved energy consumption, environmental protection monitoring facilities (including DCS system, control room, analysis, monitoring equipment and other facilities) for networking up and running with the functional management sector, total investment in fixed assets of the 30% grant, a single project subsidy of less than 1 million Yuan.

The policy favors sehenstar energy-saving heat exchanger products in the promotion and application of Qingdao,Plate And Shell Heat Exchanger, Plate & Shell Heat Exchanger,All Welded Plate Heat Exchanger , Shell And Plate Heat Exchanger , Pillow Plate Heat Exchanger, Pillow Plate Jacket Tank, Flue Gas Heat Exchanger, Sewage-Source Heat Pump, Waste Heat Power Generation Unit  as energy-saving products, must be able to contribute to the cause of energy conservation and emission reduction in Qingdao
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